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29岁成剩女心理底线29 "too old" for women
2010年11月26日  作者:  成都译网-成都翻译网-成都翻译公司  浏览选项:    本文已被浏览 1825 次
29 'too old' for women

An Internet survey that polled over 8,000 people showed that the age criteria for a 'left-over' man is 35, and 28 for a 'left-over' woman. Age 29 is the bottom line for those left-over ladies.

An Internet survey that polled over 8,000 people showed that the age criteria for a "left-over" man is 35, and 28 for a "left-over" woman. Age 29 is the bottom line for those left-over ladies.
November 11 is Singles Day because the date "11/11" consists of four ones. The more the single youth are in the city, the more popular the festival becomes, Nanjing's Modern Express reports. Information from the city's civil affairs authority showed that youth in Nanjing now marry five years later than before. Most people married between 20 and 24 in the past, and now, most couples marry between 25 and 29. 南京《现代快报》消息,11月11日,因为这个日子有4个“1”,所以成了“光棍节”。城市大龄青年逐渐增多导致光棍节越发走俏。南京市民政部门的消息称,南京人结婚年龄“长”了5岁,过去20岁至24岁登记结婚的人最多,现在则延后到25岁至29岁。
Meanwhile, an Internet survey that polled over 8,000 people showed that the age criteria for a "left-over" man is 35, and 28 for a "left-over" woman. Age 29 is the bottom line for those left-over ladies. A person in charge of a match-making company said that single women over 29 were normally deemed too old.


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